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Terms of use


  • After landing on our website, do read the “Terms of use” that manifests the usage of our website. is a company based in South Asia. Whatever we deliver is a service to our readers, who will be the end-users in this case.

  • While the users are reading the terms of use, they also agree with them for the present and future reference, and the use of our website.

  • We ensure the utmost privacy of the users and hence, it is our duty to keep the privacy policies clear to you. Our website is not responsible for your data leakage due to any third-party website affiliated/indirectly linked to us. You will be visiting those third-party websites at your own risk and not on our liability.

  • The users are requested to regularly review our terms of use in case of any discretion leading to a change in our policies. We, as a growing organization, always try to improve and modify ourselves for better audience engagement at the behest of the industry.

  • We only use your basic information based on your activities on our website to improve and serve you with the best and purpose of fulfilling services to our best efforts.

  • Our website may also include the links of other websites with proper credit, only for the enhancement and availability of more information to the end-users. All the residues or parts used on those websites would still be treated as their intellectual property. However, we also guarantee no indemnity for your data breach/loss caused due to any malicious back-links associated with those websites.

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